About Us
Our Mission
At Teel Technologies, our Mission is to provide the best tools, training and services for professionals tasked with investigating mobile devices. With a focus on the total lab establishment, training in all skill levels, as well as applying our extensive experience and expertise in our services offering, we provide a comprehensive approach to all clients, to meet their specific requirements.
Brief History
Teel Technologies Inc. first came to existence in the United States back in 2006 when Bill Teel began reselling products to assist Law Enforcement, Military and Private Sector organizations with their Mobile Forensics needs. This company has grown to now provide not only products but also consulting, training and forensic services in the Mobile Forensics field to all these entities. Seeing the need for these types of services in the Canadian market, Bill Teel has partnered with Bob Elder to create Teel Technologies Canada Inc.
Bob Elder Bio
Bob Elder retired from the Victoria Police Department in British Columbia after 21 years experience in policing, including over 7 years as a Detective in the VICPD Computer and Mobile Forensics Unit. Bob Elder has been innovative in the Mobile Forensics field through his research and development and is sought after all over the world for his knowledge and skills in the Mobile Forensics environment. Bob Elder began with Teel Technologies in 2009 as an instructor in the Flasher Box, JTAG and Chipoff classes that he developed himself. These classes have been taught to Law Enforcement and Military agencies all over the world and continue to be popular advanced Mobile Forensics courses.
Bob’s knowledge and skills have been recognized with the following awards he received:
2015 4: Cast awards – Winner – Digital Forensic Analyst of the Year
2014 4: Cast awards – Runner up – Digital Forensic Analyst of the Year
2014 Chief Constable’s Commendation for Meritorious Service
2013 International Association of Chiefs of Police August Vollmer Excellence in Forensic Science Award