Faraday Bags & RF Shielding Products

About Faraday Bags
Teel Technologies Canada offers a wide selection of RF Shielding Tools, more commonly known as Faraday Bags for professional or personal use.
Faraday bags are often used by law enforcement, intelligence agencies, military, and computer forensics experts to protect portable digital evidence from external meddling by blocking all radio communications from accessing the portable digital device. Many of our providers offer radio frequency scanning and testing apps to make sure your evidence is safe and secure. Some bags feature vector access and USB connectivity allowing you provide power to the device, while ensuring RF shielding remains in place.

Faraday for Your Home
In our interconnected, high-tech world, it is becoming more and more common for criminals to high-jack the signals used in many of today’s wireless devices. From key-less entry devices used in homes and vehicles, to scanning RFID security chips found in almost all debit and credit cards.
As the convenience of wireless connectivity becomes more and more a part of our daily our lives, new Faraday products are constantly being developed to help protect everyone; from assisting law enforcement seize digital devices for evidence, to the average household user wanting to protect their home and property. There are tons of Faraday products to choose from, ranging from key fob, cell phone, laptop, computer, to duffel bags, with a variety of sizes for almost every application in between.